Reply to Re: Showing script based on the country

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Posted by jojo on 07/06/06 12:06

Jukka K. Korpela schrieb:
> jojo <> scripsit:
>> Nospam schrieb:
>>> I have a few javascripts. I would like to show a certain script
>>> based on the country ip of the viewer, how would I achieve this? is
>>> there html I could use to run the javascript based on the country ip?
>> Another solution would be to write everything in one script but call
>> different functions according to the language.
> Solution to what? Surely not to the question that was asked, though
> perhaps to the question that the OP _meant_ to ask. It's probably still
> the wrong question.
>> The advantage would be
>> that you can use JS to get the language selected in the browser:
> No, it is a definite _disadvantage_, since now you would not even try to
> select the user's preferred language but the language of the browser's
> interface. This language is very often English even though the user
> knows just a little English and prefers quite other languages. The
> simple reason is that many browsers (especially new versions) are
> available as English versions only.
ASFAIK the JS-properties I suggested provide the language the user set
as his preferred language. In most browsers (IE, Firefox, Netscape,
Opera, ...) there is an option to select your preferred languages (_any_
language you like to, no matter in which language the browsers interface
So it is even better using this properties than the IP because if, lets
say a German, is in the USA he has got an American IP. But perhaps he
still wants to view the websites in German...

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