Reply to Re: Specify loading order of JPGs?

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Posted by jojo on 07/07/06 15:50

Chris Tomlinson schrieb:
> "jojo" <> wrote in message
> news:e8k3i1$9n8$
>>> We're not sure what you're saying there -- is there some reason we
>>> shouldn't be using JS at all?
>> Yes, there is... About 15% of all users have swithed it off (I know you do
>> not belive this...). But this was not my point. I just wanted to disprove
>> your statement:
> Out of 1,545 unique visitors to our site so far, 99.45% of them have JS
> enabled. On a personal note I know dozens of users with Internet access,
> and 0% have it disabled. Where did you find this statistic of 15%?

Just ask around in this NG...
>> Yes, crashes every time I scroll to the bottom of the page before the
>> bottom is loaded... but it may be an exception. You have to ask other
>> people to test it, too.
> Thanks for the info - much appreciated. We are launching a new FF/Safari
> version shortly which may solve this.

Good luck!

>> No, but my computer is connected with my stereo... and I always listen to
>> music when I surf the Internet.
> Thanks, we appreciate this. Did you find the street noise very loud? It
> plays at 25% the volume of normal sounds and is quite soft background noise.

It's not to loud. The problem is that it disturbs my pleasure listening
to the music... ;-)

>>>> Your site still needs a lot of time to load with broadband connections.
>>>> (especially the sound)
>>> The sound portion is 100k. Again, the site is designed for/recommended
>>> for broadband connections.
>> I have broadband (DSL 2000).
> Okay, can you qualify "a lot of time to load" in seconds please. Our
> research shows users will be prepared to wait no longer than 15 seconds for
> a page to access. We time our page at 5 seconds for 2Gb.

I need 30 seconds up to a minute to load the page.

>>> It is just a deterrant. The images are digitally watermarked.
>> So why don't you just leave out the JS than? The alert box is really
>> annoying!
> Why do you feel the need to right-click the imagery? This will help us
> understand whether we should remove this added deterrant and copyright
> notice. It also serves as a reminder of how to use the street for anyone
> confused enough to right-click.

How many reasons?
-In FF you can add Mouse Guestures. They work by holding down the right
mouse button and move around the mouse. So a right-click is required...
-Add a bookmark to the page
-much other FF-extensions have their options available by right-click

And perhaps you right-click there by mistake...
>> I do not see the need of a virtual street to go shopping... If I want to
>> go to a shopping-street I can walk or go by bus/car. And if I want do
>> online shopping I do not need any street...
> Please appreciate this site is not aimed at the sort of users who are on
> this newsgroup. It is aimed at people who do not like Internet shopping
But virtual streets in the Internet?
> and prefer high street shopping. Sure, they could drive into Oxford Street,
> but could you get a bus to 5th Avenue when it goes online? And those who
> could visit Portobello Road, could they do it without a single other person
> there? We have removed all the traffic, crowds, rain. This is a unique high
> street experience aimed at people who haven't wanted to shop online until now.
> Hope you understand we can't please all the people all the time :)

Yeah, I know you cannot. But ignore the advices of people which perhaps
have experience with websites and how to make them user-friendly? I
know, all the people here are not those who should use your page...
>> No, but browsers have to view it... perhaps this is the reason why Firefox
>> crashes?
> Thanks, we will validate it again before we come out of beta.

Good luck again!
>> It is not allowed to have more than one <html>-tag in one document. Just
>> leave out the second one.
> Thanks. SSI loads 3 pages, top.htm (header) and index.shtml (body) and
> bottom.htm (footer). Are you saying we should remove <html... from the body
> and footer documents, so they will have no HTML tag?
You need to have one at the beginning of your page and the corresponding
end-tag at the bottom of the page. But between these tags there
shouldn't be any other <html>-tag (_It's not even allowed_ to have one
> Also which doctype would you recommend as a generic safe bet to try first?
> We tried a common one but it added extra line spaces through the document
> and made the Wingdings into normal text.

Which one did you use? I have not heard yet that a doctype changes the
content or look of a document anyway.

I personally would advise you to take

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

and no XHTML.
>>> FrontPage was a great help with the graphic imagemaps over the
>>> streetscapes, yes.
>> Should have guessed that... Couldn't you use a better software? What about
>> Dreamweaver, for example? Doesn't generate that much rubbish...
> Thanks, we're looking into that.
Yes, you really should. I wonder that Microsoft is still allowed to sell
FrontPage as web-editor :)
> Appreciate your feedback, cheers.

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