Reply to Re: Specify loading order of JPGs?

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Posted by Chris Tomlinson on 07/07/06 22:50

"Jonathan N. Little" <> wrote in message

> Your hit counter may mislead you because those not on broadband will not
> stick around. I did finally get the site to load on a 45K dialup
> connection and it took a little more than 13 minutes to load. In case you
> did not get it the first time I have dialup *not* by choice. Some
> countries may have over 50% US is one but that means there is a good chunk
> that doesn't. BTW the world percentage of 2005 is about 14.5%.

The hit counter loads on every page including the home page where most
people arrive from (not this thread's link). It also loads pretty fast. I
would agree if other designers we have worked with did not also report less
than 1% with JS disabled. When we researched it, it seemed a hotly debated
topic, with everyone quoting vastly different %s. So, ultimately we can
only go on our own statistics and those of programmers we trust and employ.

> As to the usefulness of your product, after wading through the pretty
> interface clicking on a store, which tries to create a popup window...(you
> are relying your users will be using IE), essentially your

The windows work on every browser, and open as tabs in most. Don't know
what you mean.

> product is a listing of other merchant sites. Why would you think they
> would go to and not what *I* and *millions* of
> others would do (and statistics supports me here) Google and find and find
> the site directly, quickly and efficiently?

Have already exhaustively explained it in this thread, but in a nutshell it
is aimed not at you but at the market who hate internet shopping but love
high streets. It is also aimed at the tourism angle for people who may
never get to visit famous streets such as 5th Avenue, but can now walk down

Try Google Quik-e-searchT at
....Finds anything or they buy it for you!

[Back to original message]

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