Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 07/07/06 23:28
Chris Tomlinson wrote:
> "Jonathan N. Little" <lws4art@centralva.net> wrote in message
> news:9a6f0$44aedb49$40cba7c8$18255@NAXS.COM...
>> Your hit counter may mislead you because those not on broadband will not
>> stick around. I did finally get the site to load on a 45K dialup
>> connection and it took a little more than 13 minutes to load. In case you
>> did not get it the first time I have dialup *not* by choice. Some
>> countries may have over 50% US is one but that means there is a good chunk
>> that doesn't. BTW the world percentage of 2005 is about 14.5%.
> The hit counter loads on every page including the home page where most
> people arrive from (not this thread's link). It also loads pretty fast. I
> would agree if other designers we have worked with did not also report less
> than 1% with JS disabled. When we researched it, it seemed a hotly debated
> topic, with everyone quoting vastly different %s. So, ultimately we can
> only go on our own statistics and those of programmers we trust and employ.
It requires JavaScript and Cookies enabled to work, not that will give
you objective data!
>> As to the usefulness of your product, after wading through the pretty
>> interface clicking on a store, which tries to create a popup window...(you
>> are relying your users will be using IE), essentially your
Guess you never heard of popup blockers...figures.
> The windows work on every browser, and open as tabs in most. Don't know
> what you mean.
>> product is a listing of other merchant sites. Why would you think they
>> would go to www.Superhighstreet.com and not what *I* and *millions* of
>> others would do (and statistics supports me here) Google and find and find
>> the site directly, quickly and efficiently?
> Have already exhaustively explained it in this thread, but in a nutshell it
> is aimed not at you but at the market who hate internet shopping but love
> high streets. It is also aimed at the tourism angle for people who may
> never get to visit famous streets such as 5th Avenue, but can now walk down
> them.
Again, good luck...drop me a line when you make your first million....
Take care,
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