Posted by Blinky the Shark on 07/08/06 09:14
Neredbojias wrote:
> To further the education of mankind, Blinky the Shark <no.spam@box.invalid>
> vouchsafed:
>>>>> You'll probably have to go with the juice harp.
>>>> I was just reading a discussion of Politically Correct terms in
>>>> another group. :)
>>> Well, what's politically correct to a fish may open a whole new can of
>>> worms for a human...
>> Well, it was you homo (and hetero, too, I presume) sapiens that decided
>> on the PC name "juice harp", not us. ;)
> Well, I wasn't consulted when the decision was made so you can hardly blame
> me. I just go with the standards...
That was humor.
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