Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 07/08/06 12:28
jojo <jojo.hafner@gmx.de> scripsit:
[ pointless fullquote - the usual signal of lack of comprehensive reading ]
> ASFAIK the JS-properties I suggested provide the language the user set
> as his preferred language.
"ASFAIK"? So you never actually tested it?
> In most browsers (IE, Firefox, Netscape,
> Opera, ...) there is an option to select your preferred languages
> (_any_ language you like to, no matter in which language the browsers
> interface is).
Yes. And this setting has, unfortunately, rather limited effect, since so
few servers try to make use of it. Besides, the setting is often wrong: it
reflects browser defaults rather than user preferences.
And the method you suggested does not fetch that setting but the browser's
interface language. Try it. Select any languages you like in the language
preferences and see what your code produces: not a string of language
preference list, or the first language in the list, or the language with the
highest quality factor. Instead, you get "en" if your browser interface is
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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