Posted by Luigi Donatello Asero on 06/06/05 04:12
"dorayme" <dorayme@optusnet.com.au> skrev i meddelandet
> > From: "Luigi Donatello Asero" <jaggillarfotboll@telia.com>
> > "kchayka" <usenet@c-net.us> skrev i meddelandet
> >> It's unfortunate you won't listen to good advice, but your visitors and
> >> potential customers are the ones who will end up losing, not us.
> >
> > Do you call for good advice to say that I could let a professional
> > webdesigner do the website?
> > That sounds as to tell a student who wants to study medicine to go to a
> > doctor.
> Good analogy but unfortunately you draw the wrong conclusion. If the
> was studying to fix up a serious medical condition in his own body (your
> case exactly) and he was showing no natural talent or preparedness to take
> advice, then it would be morally necessary to tell him to go to a doctor.
> dorayme
if you create something for yourself, then it is ok that you do as you like
However, if you want to do something for someone else and you want him or
her to pay to you for that, for example for a website, I would expect if I
were the customer that I would decide how the website should look like.
And this is in fact one of many reasons why I do not want to hire you ( and
others who have shown to think the same way) as a professional webdesigner.
Secondly, when I wrote at the beginning in this NG, there were more people
who really tried to help in my opinion, giving concrete advice about
specifical problems concerning webdesign. Unfortunately, today, it is not
like that any more, in my opinion. Instead, there are many people, who
instead of giving concrete technical advice often do not answer a specific
question and begin complaining about the bad quality of the site.
Thirdly, we seem to have another opinion about freedom of speech and
"knowledge". You are saying the whole time that you are on the right side
but we have another opinion about that and you do not make things better by
saying the whole time that you are right and the other is wrong and so on
Fourthly I prefer to learn and not let others do the job generally speaking.
Good luck
Luigi ( un italiano che vive in Svezia)
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