Reply to Re: Anybody know a script or method to achieve this? (authentication/access related)

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Posted by Chris Smith on 06/05/05 19:48

Jim J <> wrote:
> I have been trying to find some kind of authentication method or
> script (PHP/perl/javascript or other) to achieve the following, with
> no luck.

Don't bother looking at JavaScript in traditional client-side
environments. JavaScript can be run on a server, but it's somewhat
rare. You're probably better off with one of the other languages.

> Say there are 100 files at a site. A person can choose which file to
> download from a list, and to do so has to enter a code or password.
> When a valid code or password is used they are redirected to a page
> with a direct link to download the file.
> Once that code or password has been used to download that one file
> (and the same code/password can be used to access any one of the 100
> files), it is then expired/deleted/made invalid and can't be used
> again to download any other file.
> Does anybody know a method or script somewhere that can do this?

This is going to require server-side code, a database (relational or
otherwise), and some mechanism for giving out codes/passwords. It's
also a fairly specific and unusual requirement. This is probably beyond
anything you're going to find pre-written.

As far as writing it, this should be fairly trivial in any server-side
web environment. However, you haven't told us what you're having
problems with, so help will be difficult to come by.

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Chris Smith - Lead Software Developer/Technical Trainer
MindIQ Corporation

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