Posted by Nikita the Spider on 09/27/60 11:52
In article <>, wrote:
> Thank you both for your detailed replies. Something is coming
> through the fog but it's still over my head. I will try to look up some
> of these concepts and at worst I will take the information to somebody
> who will understand it in an instant and give me a lesson on it! I used
> to type in French characters using combinations on the keyboard and
> that was in Wordperfect!!! So I see that I would be able to cut and
> paste individual characters but this man wants to be able to type in
> Polish and in English on his computer -- and I want to be able to
> upload readable Polish pages. For typing in Polish and English I
> understand that somehow you tell your computer that now you are typing
> in Polish and then when you're finished you change back to English.
> Well, it's late and I have to think about this. I have hope. Thanks
> again.
Hi Bowler,
If your friend wants to type directly in Polish (a reasonable request!)
then you're going to have to tangle with encodings. It can be a
confusing subject, so hang in there! But you'll get it sorted eventually.
Good luck
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