Posted by Joel Shepherd on 07/12/06 05:16
"Jonathan N. Little" <lws4art@centralva.net> wrote:
> Says who? Not if you style them to have margins. Margins are for block
> elements anyway, DIV is a block element, SPAN is not.
Hmm. This seems to eventually getting around to saying that margins are
meaningful for "inline boxes" (of which SPAN is an example), but the
behavior for an inline box contained in a single "line box" differs from
that of one split across two or more line boxes.
That would seem to explain what the OP is observing.
(Oh dear. I seemed to have forgotten that a proper response should
include "If you can't Google it, I can't teach it", or warn all
concerned from "putting digits to keyboard again", or snarl "put a sock
in it" ... but, it is apparently possible to have a civilized discussion
even about something as thoroughly addressed by the specs as this
subject seems to be.) Boy, did I say that out loud? Please excuse me.
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