Reply to Re: How do I stop link a Text input to a Submit button?

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Posted by Robert S on 07/13/06 10:48

Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
> Robert S <> scripsit:
> > I have a rather large page with an arbitrary number of "submit"
> > buttons. When a user enters something in a Text field and presses the
> > "Enter" key, the wrong action occurs (usually the "Delete" key gets
> > pressed!).
> The safe, though sometimes a bit clumsy, approach is that you don't have
> several submit buttons (when the form contains at least one text input
> field).

I think you have the hang of the problem. There are a lot of <input>
controls on the page and they all need to be submitted when any of the
"submit" buttons are pressed. The first "submit" button on the page is
the one that gets "pressed" when a user presses "Enter". I might try
creating a hidden button that refreshes the page when a user presses
Enter. That will prevent any damage from occurring. Anyone like to
tell me how to create a hidden "submit" button?

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