Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 07/15/06 16:26
Klaus Cammin wrote:
>> http://home.pages.at/klaca/AUSTRALI/LAND_JOHN.HTM
> Oh, sorry, just saw that I used 'id' instead of 'class' ...
> Added a <BR> between thumb and caption. Looks quite nice now, but still
Not needed,
..flags DIV A { display: block; }
makes the A element a *block* so if you want more space below the image
you either add a bottom margin
..flags DIV A { display: block; margin-bottom: 1em; }
and that you make more space below *both* the image line and the text
link, or:
..flags DIV A IMG { border: 0; margin-bottom: 1em; }
which would only add it to the image link. NO CHANGES to the markup
> produces 'Schusterjungen'.
What is 'Schusterjungen'????
Some other suggestions would be to find a width and height dimensions
for your individually flag DIVs that works best for all of your captions.
..flags DIV {
float: left; margin: .5em; padding: .5em;
width: 5em; height: 7em; }
Use em's so it scale proportionally with the text-size and a little
experimentation will derive what will look best with your longes caption.
Marking your flag graphics as consistent in size, at least in on
dimension can make you job a lot easier and look more constant, since
you are using GIF you can use a transparent color and mark the image
dimensions all the same size and still vary the flag dimensions.
Take care,
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