Posted by Sally Thompson on 07/15/06 17:47
On Sat, 15 Jul 2006 12:54:33 +0100, Andrew wrote
(in article <6ilhb2h9vma50bl9sp0g7lj2g68bqna8ge@4ax.com>):
> Hi,
> I have set a small sample of Ancient Greek that I was hoping an
> obliging Linux user and an obliging Mac user could have a look at to
> see if it renders ok. Screen capture would be great:
> http://www.andrews-corner.org/ancient_greek.html#greektest
> I have tentatively set the fonts for the Greek at:
> Windows: "palatino linotype", "Vusillus Old Face" ,Vusillus,"Arial
> Unicode MS",
> Macintosh:"Lucida Grande",
> Linux: Porson, "Athena Unicode", Gentium;
> Windows and Mac should be ok but I am definitely not sure about the
> choice and order of the Unix fonts.
Here you are Andrew. All on a Mac:
No doubt you can guess which browser is which :-) and they all render the
Greek script OK.
Sally in Shropshire, UK
bed and breakfast near Ludlow: http://www.stonybrook-ludlow.co.uk
Burne-Jones/William Morris window in Shropshire church:
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