Reply to Re: Menu

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Posted by Luigi Donatello Asero on 06/06/05 16:11

"dorayme" <> skrev i meddelandet
> > From: "Luigi Donatello Asero" <>
> > "dorayme" <>
> > Firstly, if you create something for yourself, then it is ok that you do
> > you like
> It is legal I think for you to do this at the moment. But it won't be when
> take the throne (yes, of Europe too). So Luigi, enjoy your freedom for
> >
> > Secondly, when I wrote at the beginning in this NG, there were more
> > who really tried to help in my opinion, giving concrete advice about
> > specifical problems concerning webdesign. Unfortunately, today, it is
> > like that any more, in my opinion. Instead, there are many people, who
> > instead of giving concrete technical advice often do not answer a
> > question and begin complaining about the bad quality of the site.
> >
> If it is apparent that many questions about a site are details about
> that needs serious rethinking then it becomes very hard for people who are
> not as committed to your site as you are to keep helping. It is hard for
> folks to answer questions whose assumptions are not shared or even
> disapproved of strongly. It is just the way of the world. A parent would
> keep helping her child this way, no matter what, but you can't expect this
> from strangers... I helped my daughter recently in fixing up a couch which
> she should not have bought...

First of all you are not supposed to play the role of the mother, secondly
even the role of the mother is not played exactly the same way in different
Last but not least I cannot always explain why I do something.
In order to legitimately protect the interests of my one-man business I
cannot always say what I am planning to do.

> > Thirdly, we seem to have another opinion about freedom of speech and
> > "knowledge". You are saying the whole time that you are on the right
> > but we have another opinion about that and you do not make things better
> > saying the whole time that you are right and the other is wrong and so
> >
> This completely escapes me, sorry? I have been wrong about quite a few
> things.

> > Fourthly I prefer to learn and not let others do the job generally
> >
> This is a good general preference. No one is really disputing it, not
> generally at any rate.


Luigi ( un italiano che vive in Svezia)

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