Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 07/16/06 04:00
Klaus Cammin wrote:
> Hi Jonathan,
> Jonathan N. Little schrieb:
>>> This doesn't bother me, they just shouldn't appear in between.
>> In between what?
> The lines. If there is only one or few flags left in the *last* line, this
> can't be avoided, but those short lines should not appear among fully filled
> lines.
Do you mean the caption text for each flag or do you mean some other
text that follows the flag and caption DIVs?
If you mean your the latter, text that follows the flag and caption
DIVs, say like a paragraph or a heading for another section. To keep
them apart just style the following block of text to clear floats.
<div class="flags">
<a href="someFlagPage.html"><img src=""someFlagPage.GIF"></a>
<a href="someFlagPage.html">Some Flag</a>
<p style="clear: both;">Now this text will stay below any of the flag
blocks above....</p>
>> What way are you doing now? URL?
> Do you mean how I program my pages? Well, I don't use a web design program,
> but created own dirty written Turbo Pascal programs to create the HTML files.
> Of course I have everything here locally.
No I meant among all the suggestions of how to create your captioned
thumbs which one are you test now...a URL will show us.
Another thing I noticed. Windows is not case sensitive, but most
webservers on the Internet are therefore AFGHANIS.GIF and afghanis.gif
would not be the same file, nor Afghanis.gif. You may be using an MS
server now that will ignore such discrepancies but should you ever
change servers *nix, Solaris or such your website will break very, very
badly. I would get in the habit of being constant with case of your
filenames and paths...
Take care,
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