Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 11/26/89 11:53
Luigi Donatello Asero wrote:
> "Travis Newbury" <TravisNewbury@hotmail.com> skrev i meddelandet
> news:1153389870.856339.220740@b28g2000cwb.googlegroups.com...
>> Luigi Donatello Asero wrote:
>>> Well, it seems as there are people who are not satisfied with Bush
> because
>>> he would have not been hard enough in their opinions and other people
> who
>>> might be unsatisfied because he did not do much to avoid
> wars.......during
>>> the time of his presidencies....
>> He did everything to avoid war. Do you support terrorism?
> I am both against terrorism and war.
> How do you
>> propose that we stop terrorism? Just be friends with them? Hardly.
> To fight against the reasons, eliminating them. You did not do that.
Ah, you see Luigi it is a very effective political tool in the US,
worked for McCarthy effectively (for a while) "If your not with us you
must be against us"
>> Theyir GOD is telling them that we must be likked. Do you understand
>> that? Their GOD is tellng them that. So they are like the terminator,
>> they will not stop until we are all dead.
>> If your religion says that you are the only ones going to heaven, then
>> that is fine, Bit, if your religion says that you must kill everyone
>> that is not like you, then I am sorry, but you must be wiped off the
>> face of the earth.
> People do not usually attack when they are loved....
> and religion can also be considered as a "Überbau"
> (do you know what the German word "Überbau" means?)
Not sure what it means beyond the literal. What may be difficult for
non-Americans is the new 'faith-based' political movement where facts
and reason do not drive the policy.
Take care,
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