Posted by Luigi Donatello Asero on 06/07/05 00:18
"Oli Filth" <catch@olifilth.co.uk> skrev i meddelandet
> Luigi Donatello Asero said the following on 06/06/2005 14:25:
> > The different colours which I have begun using on the menu should help
> > user to identify which buttons refer to a certain activity, for example
> > the buttons regarding intermediation for rent of holiday lodgings which
> > situated in Italy have got one colour on the page
> > https://www.scaiecat-spa-gigi.com/sv/valkommen.html and
> > https://www.scaiecat-spa-gigi.com/sv/valkommen.php
> > This way it should be easier for the user to find them.
> Ah! At last, a sensible idea! :)
> > The main content of all the pages belonging to a certain group could
> > the same colour as the buttons which link to the page.
> > I find this solution much cheaper for me than to have 3 different sites.
> One possibility would be to have the 3 "sites" located in 3 different
> folders, e.g.:
> http://www.scaiecat-spa.gigi.com/shoes/
> http://www.scaiecat-spa.gigi.com/holidays/
> http://www.scaiecat-spa.gigi.com/translations/
Yes, it would. But, considering that I already have subdirectories for the
languages and at least already one subsubdirectory for the region Valle
D΄Aosta and I am going to have many others for the other regions and other
items, to add other 3 folders at another level could be confusing.
Otherwise I had agreed on this suggestion.
> Each with its own home page, and perhaps two links to each of the other
> two home pages. That way, the user doesn't have to sift through loads of
> irrelevant links on every page.
> > As to sensitive content, who said that there isn΄t any?
> I haven't seen any yet! But then again, I don't speak Italian or Swedish.
Also, a part of this sensitive content is well "hidden"!
Luigi ( un italiano che vive in Svezia)
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