Posted by Els on 07/24/06 08:36
TC wrote:
> .extlink {
> background: url(http://tc2.atspace.com/extlink.gif) no-repeat
> right middle;
Make that right center.
> padding-right: 12px; }
> <A class=extlink href=zzz>WHATEVER</A>
Make that <a class="extlink" href="zzz">WHATEVER</a>
> I want to open C:\test.htm directly from my hard disk, to see how the
> background image looks, before I change my actual website.
> Problems:
> (1) IE6 only displays the background image if I remove the DOCTYPE
> declaration. If I retain that declaration, it does not display that
> image, even though it still obeys the other aspects of the 'extlink'
> style.
Usually that means that you've done something wrong in the code, which
IE will "forgive" if you have it in Quirksmode, since in Quirksmode it
doesn't "have to" follow the W3C guidelines.
Add the doctype, then *validate your code*, and fix the errors. If
then still IE doesn't show your background, come asking and show an
online example of what it is that's not working.
> Adding or removing an IE6 "mark of the web" (MOTW) has no affect
> on this, one way or the other.
What *is* a mark of the web?
> (2) FireFox 1.5 does not display the image at all - with or without the
> DOCTYPE declaration.
Firefox always wants to follow the W3C recommendations ;-)
> Questions:
> (1) Why does the DOCTYPE stop IE6 displaying the image?
Probably cause your code wasn't good.
> (2) Why doesn't FF display the image at all?
See above.
> (3) What should I do to resolve this, to enable local testing of the
> files on my hard disk?
Make your code good.
> I realize that it will probably all work fine, when I copy all of the
> relevant files to my web host. But I want to know why it *doesn't* work
> fine when I run them locally on my PC. Generally I like to test my
> changes locally, before I copy them to my web host.
Good thinking.
However, if you use a file locally and have the href as
file:///C:/blabla, then it will work locally, but not after uploading.
To prevent mishaps like that, you could think of installing a
webserver locally as well. Apache is free :-)
Els http://locusmeus.com/
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