Posted by Els on 07/26/06 14:28
jojo wrote:
> But the one in colors.css you mentioned (it is not classes.css, there is
> the one which causes the problem) is the one with the more specific
> selector *and* the one which should override the other one.
Ah! That, I didn't know :-)
> And it just
> specifies the image, so the repeat shouldn't be overridden.
> Use the web developer toolbar to turn off colors.css and you'll see.
Yes, I understand it now. When looking for the no-repeat style, I
found the one in classes, thinking it should override the earlier one,
hence the confusion :-)
> Strange... I use this extension, too, but it doesn't cause any problem...
Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. Never spent enough time on it
to find the trigger though.
>> Anyway, since that wasn't the problem apparently, let's go back to the
>> original problem - no-repeat not being honoured in IE.
>> Tested locally: in default.css, there is a 'background:none;' for all
>> elements. no idea why it isn't overridden, but if you take that one
>> line out, or change it to 'background-image:none;', the
>> background-image is not repeated anymore in IE.
> A very less specific selector (*) not overridden by a more specific one
> (a.external)? Just strange... The image is displayed (so 'none' is
> overridden in this case) but the repeat and the position isn't?
It's weird - but then again, it's IE...
> Guess it's some bug in the InternetExploder I never heard before, thanks
> for pointing it out for me!
No problem. Maybe there is something obvious about it somewhere, but I
didn't see anything :-)
Els http://locusmeus.com/
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