Reply to Re: Link to asp page

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Posted by SpaceGirl on 06/07/05 17:04

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> SpaceGirl wrote:
>>Angel wrote:
>>>Help me please,
>>>Can I Link to asp page from html page? how?
>>>for example, I have tryed this:
>>><p><a href="example.asp">click here</a> </p>
>>>But When I click on "click here", the IE6 said "you aren't authorized to
>>>see this page"
>>>Thank you
>>Either the name of the page is wrong, or the file permissions are set
>>wrong on that file on the server. You link to an ASP page just like you
>>do any other page. As far as your browser is concerned, a link is a
>>link. There is nothing that makes one link any different than any other
>>link in HTML.
> It has to be the latter (permissions). It is also possible that the ASP
> file, depending on its nature, returns that message because you are not
> logged in with required privileges.
> Roy

....or the ASP has a redirect inside it, and is redirecting to a page
that doesn't exist, or no permision to view.


x theSpaceGirl (miranda)

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