Posted by daniel on 01/21/05 03:06
I havent used Homesite in years, I am now an Eclipse advocate :)
www.phpeclipse.org :)
> OMG!
> This is quite possibly the coolest thing I've found in a while, and it
> breathes new life into my aging HomeSite+ v5.2 (now that Macromedia
> isn't really updating it and is focusing more on their DreamWeaver
> line).
> http://www.wilk4.com/asp4hs/installation.htm#parser
> http://www.wilk4.com/asp4hs/dnld/php5_parser_js.zip
> http://www.wilk4.com/asp4hs/list2.htm
> Just look around all those links and you will find an abundance of
> useful toolbars, PHP5 color coders, snippets, context manuals, etc. I
> nearly spooged on myself when I came across this today. (no pun
> intended)
> "Jeremy Swinborne" <jeremy@techtrav.com> created a PHP5 color coding
> .scc file that is just a life saver. It fixes many of the short comings
> of the default PHP4 color coder. It handles stuff like:
> echo "\"this is embeded $variable in my output\""; and it knows about
> classes!
> daevid.com
> --
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