Posted by TC on 07/31/06 06:32
dorayme wrote:
> OK... it was asked what the h7s would be. This is similar to
> asking what the h6s would be even if there were no h6s being used
> in a website pertaining to the css sheet concerned. Neither the
> h6 nor the h7 might exist in the source of the website. So their
> non-existence is not exactly relevant.
Ok, I see where you're coming from. But you've misunderstood why I
asked her the question.
When I posted the question, I expected Adrienne to ask herself: "Why
has TC asked me that?". Then she would hopefully see, for herself, the
problem with her heading font size settings. My question was an
elliptical way of saying to her: "it doesn't make sense to increase the
heading font size as you've done".
I assumed, from the start, that she'd probably just made a typo, and
only needed a small nudge to realize that for herself.
TC (MVP MSAccess)
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