Reply to Re: duplicating <pre> with other tags

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Posted by Andy Dingley on 11/25/63 11:54

John O'Conner wrote:

> I've been told that I can no longer use pre-tags for code sample text.

This is a stupid decision. If you've had an outbreak of pointy-haired
boss, then you have my sympathy.

> My question is this: how can I duplicate the pre-tag functionality

Dead easy - just use <div class="pre" > and some CSS. There's nothing
at all magic about <pre>, it's just CSS effects.

If you examine the W3C's suggested default stylesheet, you'll see just
the CSS to use
The crucial bit would be
div.pre { white-space: pre; }

I suggest you might avoid the monospaced font in your replacement -
that way they'll probably not notice how closely you've cloned <pre>

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