Reply to Re: OT: X-posting (Was: cross platform problem - advice needed)

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Posted by Harlan Messinger on 10/06/69 11:54

J.O. Aho wrote:
> Harlan Messinger wrote:
>> Ian Davies wrote:
>> By the way, please do not post questions to six different groups. It
>> isn't necessary and annoys people who read multiple groups. One or two
>> of these would probably have been sufficient.
> Even if it's quite many PHP newsgroups, all the groups are relevant,
> which is quite unusual. 4-5 is what are recommended as a max, so one
> more don't make so much difference

"4-5" is already acknowledges the fuzziness of the boundary, and I can
one-more-doesn't-make-so-much-difference you up to a million and beyond.
Yes, I agree that this is a rare case where the newsgroups were all

and it's not one of those even more
> annoying multiposts.
> There is no one forcing you to reread the posts in all the newsgroups
> you subscribe to.

So, is it your stance that in any environment where others are free not
to participate, it's OK to ignore the established etiquette, rendering
it null and void?

> //Aho

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