Posted by KiwiBrian on 10/29/07 11:54
"Mark Parnell" wrote
> KiwiBrian declared:
>> I wish to use CSS to insert a defined height of horizontal spacing
>> between a
>> number of images in a vertical column of a table.
> img {padding-bottom: 15px;}
> doesn't work?
>> After many trials I am asking for a recommended method.
> Care to share your trials? Or at least the closest you've got?
Thanks Mark
I have just tried on a page with the following doctype:-
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
the following test:-
<img style="padding-bottom: 1px;" src="images/advert.gif" width="180"
<img style="padding-bottom: 1px;" src="images/advert.gif" width="180"
<img src="images/advert.gif" width="180" height="130"></div>
This produced a significant discrepancy in the displayed height of the
inter-image gap between IE6 and Firefox
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