Posted by Henk Verhoeven on 12/17/00 11:54
Bob Stearns wrote:
> (..)
> My error. Twice I mistyped the variable $stk_ptr; once as $stkptr and
> once as $stack_ptr. The errors offset each other in such a way as to
> lead me to the erroneous conclusion about ++.
Hi Bob,
If you set error reporting to E_ALL php will tell you about these
typo's. Once you got your code cleaned up it can save you a lot of time ;-)
call from the top of your script:
or in php.ini change the line:
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_STRICT
(for php4 leave out & ~E_STRICT)
Henk Verhoeven,
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