Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 08/03/06 21:20
Steve Poe wrote:
> Configuration:
> PHP 4.3.9
> Apache 2.0.52
> Hello PHP group,
> I am a novice to PHP. I have searched through the newsgroup on my
> issue but I am not sure I know what I am missing.
> I am creating an application to help the veterinarians at the animal
> hospital I work at.
> I have a form which present a select list of animals (from a database
> query) which belong to a client. I can see the animal names in memory
> and the client account number. When I select the appropriate animal
> from the list, I see the selected animal name ("spot") but everything
> else in memory I need (client account number) has disappeared. I've
> heard this is normal.
> I've tried storing the client account number is a session
> ($_SESSION['account_number"] before the submit, and I can see it, but
> this value too seems to be eliminated once the form is submitted.
> I've read I can use Javascript to get around this, but I want to learn
> the PHP way.
> Thanks for your time and help.
> Steve Poe
Without seeing your code it's impossible to tell.
However, if you're submitting a form, remember that each page has it's
own variables. PHP doesn't remember data from one page to the next.
The only ways to pass data from one page to the next is either with the
$_SESSION or hidden fields in your form.
As to the $_SESSION data disappearing - it shouldn't. Are you calling
session_start() at the beginning of EVERY page (before ANY data is
output) where you use session data?
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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