Posted by Keith Cochrane on 08/05/06 16:45
I've been surfing the web for several years and in that time I've found
that alot of the websites look like carbon copies with only variations
in the color scheme. One of the most "standard" features is the partial
border along the left side and top that usually contains the name of
the website on top and a menu on the left side of the page.
When I finally got around to toying around with building my own website
a couple of years ago, I had what I thought was a rather novel idea for
a full page border using a simple table. In all the years I've been on
the web, I'd never seen a webpage with a full border. (At least not one
that I recall.) So, I went with this rather simple idea and created a
few sites and after being forced to close two of them because the free
server I chose ended up turning the sites into popup hell, I ended up
with a website that looked ok, even though I haven't done much with it
over the past couple of years. Here is one of the pages that uses the
border I mentioned:
Unfortunately, the page looks ok in IE 5.0 and in Firefox, but falls
apart in IE 6.0 as the center and sides of the border don't load. I was
wondering if anyone knew a simple way of getting this to work? It's not
really a pressing issue, but if theres a way to make it look right in
all browsers, I think others might like to use full borders on their
own website projects. Personally, when my pages load properly, I think
they look "balanced", as compared to many of the pages I've seen on the
Thanks for your time.
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