Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 08/05/06 20:19
Shelly wrote:
> "Tony Marston" <tony@NOSPAM.demon.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:eb29q2$htf$1$8300dec7@news.demon.co.uk...
>>problems. In my many decades of experience only a complete moron cannot
>>handle a simple change of case, and only a complete moron thinks that
>>having readfile(), readFile(), ReadFile() and READFILE() as a series of
>>*different* functions is a Good Thing.
> I had not insulted you (yet). I offered a different viewpoint from yours,
> one that I believe to be correct and much better than yours. I only spoke
> to the issues.
> So, thank you for now insulting me by calling me a moron - you pompous,
> obsolescent asshole.
> Shelly
Good one, Shelly! Might I also add adolescent to your description?
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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