Reply to Re: Case sensitivity in programming languages.

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Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 08/05/06 20:23

Tony Marston wrote:
> "Jerry Stuckle" <> wrote in message
>>Tony Marston wrote:
>>>"Shelly" <> wrote in message
>>>>>But people won't complain unless they hit problems, and I've seen
>>>>>complaints from programmers who have suddenly been hit with a bug that
>>>>>turns out to be case-related. I still hold the opinion that case
>>>>>sensitivity causes problems instead of solving them, and I have seen no
>>>>>evidence to the contrary.
>>>>....and you still have not as yet detailed even a SINGLE problem caused
>>>The ability to have 3 different functions called readfile(), readFile()
>>>and ReadFile() causes problems.
>>>The ability to have 3 different variables called box, Box and BOX causes
>>>Or am I the only person who can see this?
>>Yep, you're the only person to see it, Tony. The rest of us are more
>>intelligent than that. We can understand the difference between box, Box
>>and BOX.
>>And yes, according to programming standards, each has its own meaning.
>>BOX is a defined constant
>>Box is a class name
>>box is a variable name - an object of type Box
> But those are not rules which are enforced by the language, they are
> conventions which have been invented by one group of programmers to get
> around deficiences in their particular language. I do not accept that
> *conventions* in one language should suddenly become *rules* in all
> langages. Different groups of programmers have totally different
> conventions, and convenions are nothing but a matter of choice. How would
> you like it if I tried to force you to accept my conventions as "the new
> standard".
> Besides, as I keep on saying, some intelligent languages to not need to use
> differences in case to tell the diferene between a constant, a variable, a
> function and a method. Take PHP (well, this IS a HP newsgroup)
> foo - constant
> $foo - variable
> foo() - function
> $object->foo() - class method
> $object->foo - class method.
> The language DOES NOT NEED differences in case to tell the difference, so
> any prorammer who does is a complete moron. Just like those morons who
> insist on using a "db" prefix for al database names, a "tbl" prefix for all
> table names, and a "col" prefix for all column names. SQL does not need the
> use of any prefx to tell the difference between the 3 objects, so neither
> should any programmer.
>>Nothing hard about that.
>>You see problems. The rest of us sees an advantages.
> It only provides advantages if you deliberately want to create obfuscated
> and unmaintainable code.

No, Tony. You're the only one who creates obfusticated and
unmaintainable code. I've seen some of the "code" you've written. And
I've seen programmers with one week of training in a language do better
than that.

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.

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