Posted by Krustov on 08/05/06 23:49
I'm doing whois domain checker for www.hosthome.co.uk and want to add a
checking routine for the .eu tld .
I have limited knowledge about sockets and stuff - so can somebody
translate the info below into php so i can actually use it .
www.vhit.co.uk/?url=1000527 if the above wraps .
DAS Domain Availability Service
Tool for easy .eu look ups
For registrars and others there is an alternative to WHOIS to see if a
..eu domain name is available, registered or already applied for. The
service is called DAS (Domain Availability Service) and does not have
limitations as to how many queries can be done in a given time. However,
you will only get the status of the domain name as a reply to your
query, not the full address etc of an applicant or holder.
DAS has its own very simple protocol. It uses port 4343 at =3Fdas.eu=3F The
string needed is:
get 1.0 domainname
Where =3Fdomainname=3F is the name you want to look up, without the =3F.eu=3F.
The example below shows the result returned on a lookup of the domain
name =3Feurid=3F.
% .eu Domain Availability Server 1.0
% (c) 2005 (http://www.eurid.eu)
%% RC = 0
Domain: eurid
As you can see, the status of the domain name is that it is
Possible statuses are:
Registered: Meaning just that. The domain name is registered.
Blocked: The domain name has been blocked.
Reserved: The domain name is on the list of reserved domain names.
Free: The domain name is available.
Suspended (quarantine): The domain name is in quarantine after being
Application pending: The domain name is applied for during Sunrise
waiting to be validated, activated or released again.
On hold: An ADR is pending on an active domain name
Not Allowed: The input string is invalid, e.g. asking for xn--abc or
sdf&sdf etc.
Out of Service: This is shown when a registrar quits (stops contract)
and domain names in his portfolio are not transferred to another
Revoked: Shown if EURid decides to revoke a domain name due to a
material breach of the contract was found.
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