Posted by Bob Bedford on 08/10/06 13:59
Hi all,
I've this error on the createimagefromjpeg with many image on my server.
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to
allocate 11264 bytes) in ....
The worse thing is that even some images that are 500ko have this problem
(I've limited the filesize to 1MB but this doesn't fix the problem as you
can see 500ko has some problems). I can't change the 16MB limit from my
hosting, so I've to find an other solution. I've asked to install the Netpbm
library but this is not possible.
What's the solution for this problem ? The hosting said to go to a dedicated
server but we can't (price).
Please help, many people have this problem.
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