Posted by Tony Marston on 08/11/06 13:32
"Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
> Tony Marston wrote:
>> "Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
>> news:zoGdnTyimMPRUETZnZ2dnUVZ_q6dnZ2d@comcast.com...
>>>Tony Marston wrote:
>>>>"Mark A. Boyd" <mblist@sanDotrr.com.invalid> wrote in message
>> <snip>
>>>>Do you support the idea that the ability to create different functions
>>>>with the *same spelling* but *different case* is a good thing? Can you
>>>>point to any online resources which support this idea?
>>>No one in this thread has suggested doing this.
>> Wrong! Both you and Shelley have repeatedly stated that you would make
>> use of the ability to create different functions with the same spelling
>> but different case. If you are now saying that you would never make use
>> of that ability then why are we arguiing? You are now aying that you
>> would never do that, and all I am saying is that NO ONLY would I never do
>> that BUT ALSO the ability to do such a stupid thing should be removed
>> from the language.
>> All you are doing is arguing about removiing a feature from the language
>> which you say you don't use.
> Nope, neither Shelley nor I ever stated we would do that. I'd like to see
> you point to a message otherwise. But you can't - because you can't even
> tell your own posts from someone else's, stoopid Tony.
> YOU are the only one who has claimed this.
In message news:44D105AB.20103@attglobal.net you gave this response:
TM: Since when does being insenstive to case become an arbitrary
JS: It means you can't have readfile() and readFile().
This means that you are in favour of readfile() and readFile() being
*different* functions instead of the *same* function.
In message news:nNWdnTEMvpbUmUnZnZ2dnUVZ_rednZ2d@comcast.com both you and
Shelley admitted that you would both be happy working with software tha had
had different functions called readfile(), readFile() and ReadFile() - i.e.
the same spelling but different case.
In message news:V_2Bg.10122$157.5481@newsread3.news.pas.earthlink.net
Shelley wrote that a professional programmer <quote> would NEVER confuse
readfile(), readFile(), ReadFile() and
READFILE(). He/She would AUTOMACTICALLY assume they are different functions
that do more less the same thing but have different scopes and areas of
applicability. THERE IS NO CONFUSION </quote>
> And no, I am NOT arguing about removing a feature. Rather, I would rather
> see case sensitivity carried into function names.
So you are FOR what I am AGAINST?
>> Wrong! All I did was to say that the ability to do so was wrong and
>> should therefore be removed from the language. I never said it was a good
>> idea whose use should be encouraged. That argument came from other
>> people.
> It's you who is wrong, stoopid Tony.
>>>We use case intelligently. But that's obviously beyond your capability
>>>to understand.
>> If the language itself does not care what case is used for constants,
>> variables, functions and methods then why should any programmer care? Any
>> standards that insist on artificial constraints are bad standards,IMHO.
>> If a programmer has difficulty in reading code because of a slight
>> variation in case then he should get his eyes tested.
> Because we follow reasonable standards. However, understanding something
> as simple as case is obviously well beyond your limited intelligence.
A common standard in naming conventions, a standard which has existed for
decades in many languages, is that functions and variables should be given
meaningful and descriptive names. Creating functions such as readByKey(),
readSerially(), readNext() and readPrevious() would satisfy those standards.
Creating *different* functions with the *same spelling* but *different case*
would violate those long-standing standards.
> Keep it up, Tony. You're only showing how stoopid you really are.
Only in your eyes. You simply do not understand that people who have been
used to case insensitive software would be *very* unhappy if case suddenly
introduced a significant difference. Or are you so arrogant that you believe
that only *your* opinion counts?
Tony Marston
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