Posted by dorayme on 08/11/06 22:23
In article <ebhkb4$cdl$1@newsreader2.netcologne.de>,
"Michael Weis" <nc-weismi@netcologne.de> wrote:
> dorayme wrote:
> > In article <ebhdfg$t55$1@newsreader2.netcologne.de>,
> > "Michael Weis" <nc-weismi@netcologne.de> wrote:
> >
> >> if I define "scrollbar=yes" then
> >>
> >> - in IE only a vertical scrollbar is shown (good)
> >> - in IE and FF also a horizontal scrollbar is shown but deactivated
> >> (grey) (bad)
> >
> > Give us a url to demonstrate what you say when you have
> > scrollbar="yes", it does not happen like you say on my copy of
> > Mac IE , nor Safari, nor - and I bet quids this is the same on
> > Windows for the following - Firefox. If you have things right,
> > for scrollbars="yes", it behaves beautifully.
> The behaviour at Opera & FF is correct!
Please don't top-post, took me 20 sec to mess about sorting the
order out somewhat. So are you saying now that FF is right and
"good" whereas you thought it was "bad" before? Without a url,
you need to be especially clear.
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