Reply to Re: Delete Script

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Posted by mpar612 on 10/13/47 11:55

Markus Ernst wrote:
> Shelly schrieb:
> > "Markus Ernst" <> wrote in message
> > news:44df318e$
> >
> >>Webwasp schrieb:
> >>
> >>>You need to start paying people here buddy. Or just give up on PHP SQL!!!
> >>
> >>Before teaching people how to behave in usenet you might want to learn it
> >>yourself:
> >
> >
> > I agree. The original question was so basic that it was obvious that the
> > writer had done no homework and didn't even know SQL. However, Markus'
> > reply was somewhat over the top. A simple, "You need to learn the basics of
> > SQL first. It is common to all relational databases. Google 'SQL tutorial'
> > online or pick up a book." would have been much more polite.
> I am sure you meant to say that Webwasps reply was somewhat over the
> top? :-)
> --
> Markus

Okay everyone, let's stop the bad talk and get down to business. This
is a forum where people go to for help if they are having problems. I
am new to PHP and MySQL and am trying to get a PHP and MySQL site
running. I have several books on the subject and I feel I have made
great progress in the last 5-6 weeks of working on this with little
programming background.

If you would like to help me, I would be very appreciative. If you
would not like to help, please keep your comments to yourself and not
respond. I am looking for any information that would be good. Whether
it be an explanation of what is wrong with my code or a link to a good
tutorial or even a suggestion to a good book.

For those who have tried to help me, thank you very much. I am very
appreciative and I say that in each of my responses. For those who
like to bash beginners, please keep your comments to yourself.

Now let's get back to what these groups are all about: Helping people
with PHP and SQL.


[Back to original message]

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