Posted by Luigi Donatello Asero on 01/26/73 11:55
"Cerebral Believer" <cerebral.believer@ntlworld.com> skrev i meddelandet
> "Beauregard T. Shagnasty" <a.nony.mous@example.invalid> wrote in message
> news:8NODg.245157$mF2.26138@bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
> > Cerebral Believer wrote:
> >
> >> I have chosen to make a basic template for a website I am creating,
> >> using a seriries of tables to control the layout of the page. I have
> >> an overall "global" 4rows x 5columns table, arranged basically into 3
> >> columns for content, with two columns used as "spacers" between the
> >> text in the main panel and the left panel and right panel elements
> >> either side of it on on the page, as shown approximately below:
> >
> > Looks like you want a three column with footer. Look, no tables, and no
> > spacers necessary:
> > http://benmeadowcroft.com/webdev/csstemplates/3-column-with-footer.html
> Beauregard,
> I like the way the page you referenced works. I am a relative beginner in
> this, and am wondering how I can achieve exactly the same effects using
> to format pages, rather than tables - if that makes any sense. I mean, if
> have several objects on a page each holding text/images etc, and someone
> resizes text in their browser, or resizes their browser window, how can I
> form my HTML & CSS to ensure that the objects resize and move in
> and relatively? Using a table, this is fairly easy as long as the
> formatting isn't complicated, but then using <div> & CSS I assume, it all
> seems a lot more difficult, especially if yo uhave to code for several
> browsers because on incosistent interpretation of the code.
> Regards,
> C.B.
Is itsomething like that you were looking for?
(I am not satisfied myself with that, yet, though)
Luigi Donatello Asero
你叫什么 ?
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