Posted by B.r.K.o.N.j.A on 08/16/06 15:14
Charlie King wrote:
> I'm trying to send data to a remote script (a credit card processing
> third party) from my site using POST.
> Currently, I'm doing it using the ususal form dynamically built with
> my values.
> This is less than ideal because I want to perform local processing
> (updating order status in the local database) and then to proceed to
> the remote script, with resultant values, without relying on the user
> pressing a [submit] button.
Did you tried to print the result of fsock function? if you get html as
a result you can simply print it and user would get the desired page
content and all the links there should work (if they are absolute ones,
if not, you can tweak them a bit ... :))
Thing is, if you need to redirect to some outside page that displays
something and let's user do something then I wouldn't update anything
before user comes back from that particular page (what happens with the
order if he changes his mind while he's away on that particular page). I
usually log that user xy has arrived on summary page (one before CC
processing) and then when user successfully returns from third party,
then I do the DB stuff.
Hope it helps a bit... :)
B.r.K.o.N.j.A = Bionic Robotic Knight Optimized for Nocturnal Judo and
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