Posted by Richard Brooks on 08/17/06 15:15
I'm only asking this because Krusty, who sometimes frequents this
newsgroup is going on about the BBC in the uk.media.tv.misc newsgroup
about them not producing any such programme although he will not
approach the BBC Commissioning Editors with this as an idea, as indeed
he did not when he last complained about it some months back when we
gave him various pointers as to how he goes about this.
So, anyone in this newsgroup, does your country produce a television
series about php and if not, why not ?
Many thanks,
Richard Brooks.
Cust. - "Fine salmon in the rivers."
Will Hay - "Grouse on the moors."
Cust. - "Deer in the hills."
Will Hay - "Ah! but cheaper in the towns!"
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