Posted by Paul Watt on 08/19/06 19:30
"Chris F.A. Johnson" <cfajohnson@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On 2006-08-19, Paul Watt wrote:
>> "Deryck" <deryck@REMOVElonghope.co.uk> wrote in message
>> news:4klqo4Fcoj9jU1@individual.net...
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm trying to rework someone's site. The original was all done in lots
>>> of
>>> tables by Dreamweaver. I'm trying to implement a CSS solution. The site
>>> has 3 columns (200px, 400px, 200px) centred in the middle of the screen
>>> regardless of screen size. I cannot find a CSS 3 column equivalent of
>>> this. The usual solutions have the 2 200px columns positioned absolutely
>>> and the centre column expands to fill all of the remaining space. While
>>> this has advantages it does not match the original site's appearance.
>>> If anyone can point me to the fixed column width solution I'd be very
>>> grateful.
>> Couldnt you define a wrapper div of 800px width then have 3 columns
>> floated
>> within that wrapper? ie.
> Why would you wnat to? If you define the wrapper at 800px, it will
> only work well in a window that is exactly 800px wide. If the
> window is smaller, it will require horizontal scrolling; if it is
> larger, there will be empty space.
> Define the wrapper by percent (e.g., width:80%;).
The only reason for defining the wrapper as 800px and not going for a fluid
percentage is that the OP specifically said he wanted the cols to be
200px,400px and 200px.
Whether this is the best way to design pages is another thing all together.
le singe est dans l'arbre
>> .wrapper{width:800px;}
>> .leftcol{float:left;width:200px}
>> .centercol{float:left;width:400px}
>> .rightcol{float:left;width:400px}
>><div class="wrapper">
>><div class="leftcol">something</div>
>><div class="centercol">some more</div>
>><div class="rightcol">even more</div>
> --
> Chris F.A. Johnson <http://cfaj.freeshell.org>
> ===================================================================
> Author:
> Shell Scripting Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach (2005, Apress)
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