Posted by mich dobelman on 08/22/06 07:50
I will use the define.
Thank you very much for your help.
"Manish" <yehaimanish@gmail.com> wrote in message
> try using global keyword ...
> function open(){
> global $dbhost;
> global $dbuser;
> global $dbpasswd;
> global $dbname;
> $this -> db = new sql_db($dbhost , $dbuser , $dbpasswd , $dbname ,
> false);
> if( !$this -> db -> db_connect_id )
> {
> die( "Could not connect to the database" );
> }
> }
> ... make sure the file config.php is included before the file in which
> the function open() is defined.
> if you don't want to use global keyword then, declare the variable in
> config.php as,
> define('dbhost', 'somehost');
> define('dbuser', 'someuser');
> define('dbpasswd', 'somepassword');
> define('dbname', 'somedb');
> and in function open(), use them as (without $ sign)
> $this -> db = new sql_db(dbhost , dbuser , dbpasswd , dbname , false);
> Thanks.
> mich dobelman wrote:
>> I cannot reference the values in side of config.php
>> $dbhost,$dbuser ,$dbpasswd ,$dbname why?
>> <?php
>> require_once('includes/db.php'); //db connection functions
>> require_once('config.php'); //db connection parameters
>> class DBRegion{
>> var $db;
>> function DBRegion(){
>> }
>> function open(){
>> $this -> db = new sql_db($dbhost , $dbuser , $dbpasswd , $dbname ,
>> false);
>> if( !$this -> db -> db_connect_id )
>> {
>> die( "Could not connect to the database" );
>> }
>> }
>> function close(){
>> $this -> db -> sql_close();
>> }
>> function updateName( $id, $name ){
>> $sql = "update web_coupon_region set name = '$name' where id = $id ";
>> $result = $this -> db -> sql_query( $sql ) or die( "Coun't proceed
>> with
>> the following sql: ".$sql );
>> }
>> //UPDATE `web_coupon_region` SET `mdate` = '2006-08-16 05:05:55' WHERE
>> `id` = '1' LIMIT 1 ;
>> function updateModDate( $id, $date )
>> {
>> //$this -> db = new sql_db($dbhost , $dbuser , $dbpasswd , $dbname ,
>> false);
>> $sql = "update web_coupon_region set mdate = '$date' where id =
>> '$id'";
>> $result = $this -> db -> sql_query( $sql ) ;
>> if(!$result ){
>> $error = $this -> db -> sql_error();
>> die( "Coun't proceed with the following sql: ".$error['message'] );
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> ?>
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