Posted by Jason Barnett on 01/21/05 19:22
Marek wrote:
> Hello
> I'm trying to create a public static array within a class.(PHP5).
> First - the following fails:
> class yadayada {
> public static $tester[0]="something";
> public static $tester[1]="something 1";
> Second - However the following works:
> class yadayada {
> public static $tester = array (0 => "something", 1 >="something 1");
Since we are talking about a static variable then I think your only
option is this. I assume you want only one $tester array for this
entire class, correct?
Visually another way of laying this out that looks less messy:
class yadayada {
public static $tester = array (
0 => "something",
1 => "something else",
2 => "...",
150 => "Finally done!"
> My question is this: I have an array that has about some 150 different values and using the second example would get very very messy, is there another method of doing this ? The first example(which fails) is the cleanest, is there anything I can do ?
> Thank you
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