Posted by Markus L. on 06/09/05 22:54
Am Wed, 08 Jun 2005 14:19:04 -0700 schrieb Greg:
> I've got a site using sessions right now, and all the pages utilizing the
> session are in the same folder. Now, I want to create an admin area that is
> stored in another folder. For some reason, the "auth" and "login" session
> variables I set in the previous session are no longer valid or readable to
> the session on that admin page. IE user logs in, their auth code is set to
> that of an Administrator so they are given the administrator options. A
> link is presented to go to the admin area, but once it tries to access that
> page, it's redirected becase the session variable isn't being recognized.
> Any ideas?
> Greg
The session is only valid in directories which are below the directory in
which the session was originaly started. If the admin pages aren't below
this directory the session variables are not available.
If this is the reason look at this function: session_set_cookie_params
Try this: SCA the Smart Class Archive for PHP
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