Posted by Joni on 01/27/05 19:30
I'm trying to compile php 5.0.3 with pdflib library,
but no succes. I have downloaded and installed the pdflib lite
( According to the php
docs the configure line below should work (--with-pdflib[=DIR]):
../configure --enable-bcmath --with-ftp --with-regex=php --enable-soap
--enable-sockets --enable-tokenizer --enable-track-vars --with-pspell
--with-xsl --with-gd --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/lib --with-png-dir=/usr/lib
--with-freetype-dir=/usr/lib --enable-gd-native-ttf --with-zlib
--enable-memory-limit --with-apxs2=/download/pir/httpd/bin/apxs --with-xml
--with-libxml-dir=/download/pir/libxml --with-xsl=/download/pir/libxslt
configure, make and make install do finish successfully, but after
restarting apache, phpinfo doesn't show the pdflib options (it does show
in de phpinfo configure line). When I do ./configure --help the
--with-pdflib[=DIR] is not showing at all!? Is this a bug or am I
missing something here!?
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