Reply to Re: Max Filegroup Size set to 20 how do I change it?

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Posted by Danny on 10/01/24 11:18

Filegroups contain files. Files have settable parameters like max size not
filegroups. Unless something is configured strangely 20 files in a
filegroup usually indicates an attempt to spread out IO operations across
lots of disks (probably SAN based). MS also recommends having at least one
file per processor on multiprocessor servers for performance reasons. Yes.
You are correct you have two choices.

Use the Alter database command or EM and access the properties of the

Ps. Try to keep the file sizes within a Filegroup the same size so that the
proportional fill algorithm can distribute the extents evenly.

<> wrote in message
> Hello,
> I have been trying to figure out how to temporarily change the max
> filegroup size of a SQL 2000 database I "inherited" when our DBA quit.
> I just need some breathing room until I can figure out how to properly
> archive and remove some filegroups.
> Here is the scenario, my filegroup is set to 20. Each filegroup is set
> to grow to 4096.
> I currently have all 20 filegroups in use and filegroup number 20 is
> more than 1/2 full.
> I have considered making the max size for each filegroup larger but
> believe this is treating the symptom not fixing the problem.
> I would RTFM if I knew how to ask the question in 5 words or less.
> I have plenty of room to grow in terms of disk space.
> In Query Analyzer I suspect I have to use an ALTER DATABASE
> In Gui mode I suspect I have to right click on the database properties,
> filegoups,,,,
> In the past I have setup my databases with 1 filegroup and auto
> configured to grow as needed so this is new territory for me so please
> feel free to dumb it down for a noob as I need baby steps.

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