Posted by meghanwh on 08/30/06 01:38
dorayme wrote:
> In article
> <1156816490.470743.167390@h48g2000cwc.googlegroups.com>,
> meghanwh@gmail.com wrote:
> > OK I went through a few tutorials, and I've changed the code to have a
> > very basic frame and it's still not working. It just shows the header.
> > Any ideas? Here's the code for my index.html page:
> >
> > <HTML>
> >
> >
> > <FONT SIZE=4 COLOR="#000000" FACE="Courier New">
> > <HEAD>Johanna's Run for Recovery</HEAD>
> >
> > <frameset cols="120,*" >
> > <frame src="intro.html" name="menu" >
> > <frame src="links.html" name="main" >
> > </frameset>
> >
> > </HTML>
> Please do not top post.
> From which tutorial did you get the idea to put the <FONT... >
> stuff where you put it?
> Or to leave out the DTD? Like
> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN"
> "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/frameset.dtd">
> Or the <TITLE> in the head
> <TITLE> Johanna's Run for Recovery</TITLE>
> Or to put text bare in the head?
> Now, about the business of it "still not working", you have 2
> options. Provide a URL so others can see what is happening or not
> happening. Or describe better what you are doing? Have you even
> got the two files made that should be called "intro.html" and
> "links.html"? And are they where the above markup assumes they
> are, ie in the same directory as whatever you are calling the
> frameset doc. What are you calling it? "something.html" I hope?
> What browser are you using?
> --
> dorayme
I just googled a tutorial, it actually didn't say anything about the
DTD. The url is http://people.bu.edu/mwh I have made the files called
intro.html and links.html, and they do show up at
http://people.bu.edu/mwh/intro.html (or ...links.html). The frameset is
just on the frontpage, so the document is called index.html. Thanks so
much, any ideas are appreciated.
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