Posted by Walter Zackery on 08/30/06 17:47
In Windows XP at least, the dialog box default folder comes from the
registry key
There's a value there named MRUList that contains a list of lowercase
letters. The first letter in the list is the one you're interested in. So if
the first letter is the letter a, then you want to look at the value
It contains a path to a file. The directory that the file is in should
correspond to the directory in the browse box. So modifying the value of
that key to the directory that you want should change the directory that the
file browser starts in.
"Highlander" <> wrote in message
: Hello all. Consider the following HTA:
: <HTML>
: <HEAD>
: <BODY>
: Sub ButBrowse_onclick()
: '-- show browse window and Get file path:
: Dim sFile
: sFile = Browse
: If (sFile <> "") Then
: '--Do something with file....
: MsgBox sFile '--For demo
: End If
: End Sub
: Function Browse()
: Dim Q2, sRet, IE
: On Error Resume Next
: Q2 = chr(34)
: Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
: IE.visible = False
: IE.Navigate("about:blank")
: Do Until IE.ReadyState = 4
: Loop
: IE.Document.Write "<HTML><BODY><INPUT ID=" & _
: Q2 & "Fil" & Q2 & "Type=" & Q2 & "file" & Q2 & _
: "></BODY></HTML>"
: With IE.Document.all.Fil
: .focus
: .click
: Browse = .value
: End With
: IE.Quit
: Set IE = Nothing
: End Function
: <INPUT NAME="ButBrowse" TYPE="button" TITLE="Browse to select file."
: VALUE="Browse For File"></INPUT><BR>
: </BODY></HTML>
: I obtained the above script from a previous post:
: By default the browse for file dialog box opens up to my workstation's
: C: drive. I would like the ability to pre-select which drive and folder
: the dialog box opens up to. If I run the script from a network drive
: for example, I would like the dialog box to open up to that network
: drive's current folder. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
: Thanks!
: - Dave
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