Posted by Frits van Leeuwen on 08/30/06 12:53
> > Is it possible to set a cookie without a timestamp? (o it's always on
> > computer. until the user ....)
> the answer you are finding is You can set the time stamp as you want so
> 999999999.... for infinite time. 0 for just this session (If I remember
> well)
> > When I the cookie is already setted, I like to use it. When I use it, i
> > have to set it. After setcookie, I use the last cookie setted file, but
> > als I overwrite that one with the new one. So the next time I use the
> > cookie, I have the settings of the last time.
> you use the last setted value... but see some examples.
> > Perhaps I have a answere by myself. Should it work? I can checkabout the
> > settings:
> > is setted? Y/N
> > Y? check language (is set in a cookie) - NL= start a new PHP file with a
> > setcookie with the settings for language=NL. - EN= ... etc. N? give
> > chooice and setcookie
> I don't understand you.
Oke... Thanks for explaning.
Now my explaning what you did not understand.
I was thinken about programming the cookie problem I have. And asked if this
thinking could work.
I was going on and now I have the follow situation.
I have INDEX.PHP. There are buttons for chooce a language on it.
When you click at a button, it sets a cookie and goos to a other PHP-file.
(then I like to go back into INDEX.PHP. How do I do this.)
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