Reply to Re: PHP/Perl/Unix Virus: delete config.php files asap

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Posted by Colin McKinnon on 08/30/06 19:45

Ignoramus6539 wrote:

> There were some strange requests to my server asking for config.php
> file (which I do not have in the requested location).

Nice one Ignoramus6539

> I did some investigation. Seems to be a virus written in perl,
> exploiting a vulnerability in php code.

Sure looks like it. Is anyone daft enough to include($get_parameter)?

> I did a locate command on my fedora systems and found config.php in
> some package called 'squirrelmail'. Which I immediately deleted, even
> though it was not accessible through the web, just sitting there, but
> I just do not want it.
Oooh. "Some package called...' sloppy housekeeping!

Actually, although Squirrelmail was vulnerable to this kind of attack
the developers are relatively good about releasing fixes.

Your attacker seems to be looking for phpListPro

Usually script kiddies don't look to see what you're running before
unleashing all their dogs on your servers.

> My main question is, just what package or program owns config.php that
> si vulnerable. It is a generic file name, so I would not be so quick
> to suspect squirrelmail.
Next time try Google first :) and give us a URL for the code.


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