Reply to Re: dynamically populate drop-down list and dynamically include html file

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Posted by IchBin on 08/30/06 20:21

Jerry Stuckle wrote:
> Yi Chen wrote:
>> We have a drop down list on a PHP page, with several product names, and
>> when people click one item, we will refresh the same page with the
>> product name as parameter, and in turn we want to include a HTML file
>> into the content area of the same page.
>> I know it is recommended to put everything into database, but we want
>> the web site to be very "portable", so the drop-downlist and the
>> content should both in text files.
>> Let's say the drop-down list will be poplulated from the product.txt
>> file, and there will be a file for each corresponding item in the
>> drop-down list. From the user point of view, if he wants to add a new
>> product, he will just need to open the product.txt file, and add a new
>> line with the product name, "Laptop", then add a new text file named
>> "laptop" in the same folder which contains the HTML fragment to be
>> included in the content area.
>> What is the easiest way to do this?
> I'd use a database. The vast majority of sites use MySQL for a
> database, but if you want it to be portable you can use the PEAR::MDB2
> package. It's portable to many different databases.
> You could do it with a flat file, but it will make your job a lot harder
> (and the data much more prone to errors).

If you opt to use PEAR::MDB2 you may want to look at PEAR HTML_QuickForm
for loading the dropdown. You can do it using three lines of code. Here
I am loading a Category dropdown. Take a peek at the Docs.

// Create a HTML <Select> and define the DB column and label
$s =& $form->createElement('select','u_category','Category:' );
// Load the <Select> from DB with SQL select
$s->loadQuery($MDB2, $category_dropdown_select);
// Add the <Select> object to the HTML Form

Thanks in Advance...
IchBin, Pocono Lake, Pa, USA
'If there is one, Knowledge is the "Fountain of Youth"'
-William E. Taylor, Regular Guy (1952-)

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