Posted by Marty on 09/01/06 14:17
OK, I'm new at all of this and have decided to take on a project to
learn. We have a fishing club that has 23 members. Each weak we go
fishing in various places for 4 hours. Not together, usually 2 to a
boat and it's your choice where to go.
I want to build a database / website that the individual fishermen can
go to and log there success. The fishermen can enter the fish type,
size, weight, date caught. I only want them to add, edit, and delete
their own information they can't mess with the data of others. On the
web page I want to display the member name and number of fish caught
under its respective date. Then you can click on the number and it will
display all of the entries for that member that day. Or you can click
on the date and it will display all the data for that day.
How would you go about building the database? Should I have just one
table for all or a table for each member?
Thanks, I just don't want to jump into this and then find out I should
have gone the other way.
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